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  • MiRae Acu

Shoulder Pain Focus: Rotator Cuff Injuries

Rotator cuff injuries are among the leading causes of shoulder pain, affecting people from all walks of life—athletes, manual laborers, and even those with sedentary lifestyles. These injuries can significantly reduce shoulder mobility and strength, making everyday tasks challenging and impacting overall quality of life. In this post, we'll explore rotator cuff injuries from an East Asian Medicine perspective and discuss how acupuncture can aid in recovery.

Understanding Rotator Cuff Injuries

The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles and their tendons that stabilize the shoulder joint and enable a wide range of arm movements. Injuries to the rotator cuff can manifest in several ways:

  1. Tendinitis: Inflammation of the tendons due to overuse or repetitive overhead activities.

  2. Tears: Partial or complete tears of the tendons, resulting from acute injuries or degenerative changes over time.

  3. Impingement: Occurs when the tendons are compressed during shoulder movements, leading to irritation and pain.

Common Causes of Rotator Cuff Injuries

  • Repetitive Motion: Activities that involve repetitive overhead movements, such as painting, swimming, or tennis, can strain the rotator cuff.

  • Aging and Wear: Degeneration of tendon tissue over time, especially in individuals over 40.

  • Acute Injuries: Sudden trauma from falls or lifting heavy objects improperly.

  • Poor Posture: Slouching can alter shoulder mechanics, increasing the risk of injury.

Rotator Cuff Injuries in East Asian Medicine

From an East Asian Medicine perspective, rotator cuff injuries are often attributed to a blockage or stagnation of Qi (vital energy) and blood flow in the shoulder region. This stagnation can be caused by:

  • External Factors: Invasion of wind, cold, or dampness that obstructs the energy channels.

  • Internal Factors: Deficiencies in the liver and kidney meridians, which govern tendons and bones.

  • Trauma: Physical injuries that disrupt the harmonious flow of Qi and blood.

The treatment aims to restore balance, eliminate blockages, and strengthen the affected meridians to promote natural healing.

Symptoms of Rotator Cuff Injuries

  • Persistent shoulder pain, especially during rest or at night

  • Limited range of motion and stiffness in the shoulder

  • Weakness when lifting or rotating the arm

  • Difficulty performing daily tasks like combing hair or reaching overhead

  • Crackling sensations (crepitus) when moving the shoulder

Acupuncture Treatment at Mi Rae Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an effective, non-invasive treatment for rotator cuff injuries that works by:

  • Reducing Pain and Inflammation: Inserting fine needles at specific acupuncture points helps alleviate pain and decrease inflammation.

  • Improving Circulation: Enhances blood flow to the injured area, promoting healing of muscles and tendons.

  • Restoring Qi Balance: Balances the body's energy flow, addressing both the symptoms and underlying causes of the injury.

Our clinic may also incorporate other therapies like electro-acupuncture, cupping therapy, or moxibustion to enhance the healing process.

Your Path to Recovery from Rotator Cuff Injuries

While rotator cuff injuries can be debilitating, effective treatment can lead to a full recovery. At Mi Rae Acupuncture, we provide personalized care tailored to your specific condition, focusing on holistic healing and long-term wellness.

Take control of your health today. Contact Mi Rae Acupuncture to schedule your appointment, and let us help you regain mobility, reduce pain, and return to the activities you love.

Don't let shoulder pain hold you back any longer—we're here to support you on your journey to wellness.


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